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As outlined in the by-laws, the standing SAC committees are the Communications, Events, Membership, Fringe Benefits, and Pro Humanitate committees. Committee chairs are elected during the annual officer election process.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of all elected officers and chairs of standing committees and considers all matters presented to it and make appropriate recommendations for action.

Communications Committee

Statement of Purpose: Assist appropriate University administrative personnel with improving communications and updates to all staff. Identify areas where staff has concerns and properly communicate those concerns to SAC. Generate ideas for improved attendance at our meetings. Generate ideas for improvements to communication (i.e., utilization of social media) and assist appropriate administrative personnel as necessary with research, feedback and/or implementation on improvements or changes in communication. Read the full committee charter »

Events Committee

Statement of Purpose: Represent staff interests with respect to organizing events that are inclusive for all levels of staff at Wake Forest University.  Solicit staff input on ideas for events and ways to organize the events which will provide a positive experience. Read the full committee charter »

Fringe Benefits Committee

Statement of Purpose: Represent staff interests with respect to fringe benefits offered at Wake Forest University.  Collect staff questions and suggestions concerning benefit packages.  Generate ideas for improvements and assist Human Resources as necessary with communication, research or feedback on benefit improvements or changes. Read the full committee charter »

Membership Committee

Statement of Purpose: To keep a record of SAC Membership, recruit new members, manage election processes and ensure relevant membership policies are maintained. Read the full committee charter »

Pro Humanitate Committee

Statement of Purpose: Represent staff interests with respect to organizing philanthropic opportunities to facilitate promotion of Pro Humanitate at Wake Forest University.  Solicit staff input regarding service opportunities and organize events and activities to create a positive outcome for selected charitable organizations. Read the full committee charter »

Outside Committee Involvement