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Staff Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

February 7, 2018 (Benson, Room 401B/D)

  • Guest Speaker: Tom Walter, Head Baseball Coach
    • Georgetown University graduate, where he played baseball. This is where he learned his commitment to educating and coaching the whole person.
    • His first head coaching job was at George Washington, where he spent 8 seasons
      • Goals of Tom’s programs: graduate on time, provide opportunities for Professional Baseball, and players leave his program as the best version of themselves
    • His next head coaching position was at New Orleans, where he spent 5 seasons
      • Had to transplant his team to University of New Mexico during Hurricane Katrina
      • Despite these uncertain times, he continued to recruit and come together as a group to move his program forward
    • Most recently, Coach Walter is the head ball coach at Wake Forest University (since 2009)
      • He loves coaching at WFU because the university is aligned with his personal values
      • Coach Walter provides information, resources, and opportunity for each of his players
      • In 2017, Coach Walter lead his team to the Super Regional. This meant that WFU was one of the 6 best teams in the Nation.
    • One of Coach Walter’s team philosophies is: “To whom much is given much is required”
      • He will give his team everything they need to be successful, and in turn, he requires equally as much from them
      • WF Baseball Players must excel in their academic life, social life, and athletically. He truly wants to create and nurture the whole person during their time at WFU.
    • The Wake Forest Baseball Team’s Mission: D.E.A.C.S
      • Dedication, Energy, Attitude, Confidence, Selfless
    • Books that Tom has asked his team to read: Boys in the Boat and Season of Life
    • Coach Walter also selflessly donated one of his kidneys to a former player in need, Kevin Jordan (
  • Standing Committee Report-outs:   
    • Communications: Nothing to report
    • Events: Met and are discussing potential locations for the 2018 Staff Picnic. Hold the date, June 12th and stay tuned for updates!
    • Fringe Benefits: Important dates—
      • Benefits Information Sessions:
        • March 19, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.: Benson Pugh Auditorium
        • March 21, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.: Benson Pugh Auditorium
        • April 5, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.: Charlotte Center
      • Benefits Fair:
        • April 3, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Sutton Center
        • April 5, 12:00 – 4:00 p.m.: Charlotte Center
      • Benefits Enrollment Dates:
        • April 2-9: Colleagues who enroll will receive an online confirmation statement immediately following their submission.
    • Membership: Committee is working on elections for April
    • Pro Humanitate: Currently working with the Forsyth Backpack Event on Feb 28th. If interested in volunteering, please reach out to Amanda Tingle.
  • Outside Committee Report-outs:  SAC representatives on other committees –
    • Capital Planning Advisory: Salem Hall will be completed in August. Davis Hall Phase II will be completed this summer. Benson Food Court C-Store is complete and has been very popular. Forest Green project is complete. Taylor Hall will be renovated over the summer—the Bookstore will relocate to Zick’s during renovation.
    • Faculty Senate: President Hatch attended their meeting where the group had the opportunity to ask him 5 questions. Below are what was asked:
      • 1. What can the University do to ease the rising burden of health care costs on faculty and staff?
      • 2. The contract governing the recent donation to WFU by the Koch Foundation has not been made public. This fuels distrust between some faculty members and the Administration. Is the Administration able to assure the Senate that any future contracts with the Koch Foundation will be made public? Can you provide an update on the completion of the review of the Eudaimonia Institute and its renewal?
      • 3. Concerning diversity at Wake Forest: As the President, what are you doing to bring WFU more underrepresented students? As the process for hiring a Chief Diversity Officer is likely underway or will be soon, what do you envision for that role? What are the key challenges in hiring for that position, and what steps are being taken to address them? What is the vision for diversity at Wake Forest beyond visible and/or numerical representation for underrepresented populations?
      • 4. What steps are being taken to bring Wake Forest into compliance with Title IX?
      • 5. What is your vision for undergraduate education at Wake Forest? With the increasing enrollment and the undergraduate level, how can Wake Forest faculty maintain the close community we have had with our students?
      • He also addressed the shooting on campus and the racially insensitive video.
    • Parking & Transportation: Reevaluating signage around campus and how students are interpreting them.
    • Tree Advisory: Nothing to report
    • DIPC: Nothing to report
    • Finance Advisory: Please see attached slides.
    • Poverty Task Force: Nothing to report
    • Professional Development: Nothing to report
    • Campus Rec Advisory Board: Staff, please check out Outdoor Pursuits’ rental center downstairs in Sutton Center. They rent out a variety of outdoor equipment for your weekend adventures! Additionally, staff is welcome on the Outdoor Pursuits Wilderness Trips.
      • The rock wall has seen great use at Reynolds Gym
      • If you want to do a team building activity, WFU Staff has access to a ropes course in Kernersville. Please reach out to Campus Recreation staff for more information.
      • Phase 3 of Reynolds Gym is opening on March 12.
      • “All Sport Camp” is coming back this summer. Please check the Campus Rec website for more information.
      • Campus Recreation is looking for lifeguards for the new pool. Hiring ages 16 and up!
  • Raffle Drawing—Alix Gleitz won a $25 giftcard to Bib’s!

General Announcements

  • Don’t forget to like us on social media where you will find all kinds of general announcements!  Be sure to update your accounts!
