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Staff Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

November 10, 2016 (ZSR Library Auditorium)

9:00 to 10:30 am

Guest Speaker:  August Vernon, Emergency Manager, spoke to the group about disaster and crisis prevention. The full presentation can be found here.

Standing Committee Report-outs:   

Communications: Please let anyone on the Communications Committee know if you have anything you would like for us to include in the monthly newsletter.

Events: This holiday season the SAC Events and Pro Humanitate Committees are partnering with Campus Kitchen and Wake Forest University School of Business Graduate Students to invite participation in TurkeyPalooza. This annual event provides meals to local organizations. In addition, they provide groceries for the week of winter break when the Kitchen is not staffed. Any food left over will be donated to the Second Harvest Food Bank as part of the National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week. Needs include:

  1. Need staffing in the kitchen & delivery from 11/13 – 11/18
  1. Food drive for grocery bags
  • Food will be collected from November 14th – December 16th in the Benson University Center

Fringe Benefits: The group met and started to develop their action plan to attain their yearly goals.

Membership: Nothing to report.

Pro Humanitate: In addition to working with Campus Kitchen on TurkeyPalooza, the Committee is also bringing awareness to WFU’s Chaplain’s Emergency Fund. The Chaplain’s Emergency Fund is used to help those in the campus community that are in need. Please visit to donate.  The Committee is also sponsoring a supply drive for Mineral Springs Elementary School.  Mineral Springs is a local Title I school in Winston-Salem. This is a school where 100% of the children receive a free breakfast and lunch. We are partnering with this school and asking for donations to the school for playground equipment, school supplies, and positive behavior rewards. Boxes will be distributed November 14th and collection will be through December 16th. Boxes will be located in: Reynolda Hall, UCC, ZSR Library, HR House, Benson, Admissions, Farrell Hall, Graylyn, Reynolda House, Residence Life and Housing, Worrell, and Alumni Hall.

  • Annette Burrow, ESL Teacher at Mineral Springs Elementary:  The Pro Humanitate Committee invited Mrs. Burrow to speak to the group about Mineral Springs Elementary school and ways that WFU can help the school.  Mrs. Burrow invited anyone to come volunteer at the school to read to students or to provide help with workdays around the school or any other way that might be helpful.  Mrs. Burrow also described how WFU staff can help the school through donations of playground equipment, classroom essentials, and reward incentive gifts.  See above for donation information.
  • Outside Committee Report-outs:
    • Capital Planning Advisory: Nothing to report.
    • Faculty Senate: Nothing to report.
    • Parking & Transportation: Met and reviewed appeals. Nothing new to report.
    • Tree Advisory: No meeting this month.
    • DIPC: Met, but Jennifer was unable to attend.
    • Finance Advisory: Have not met.
    • Professional Development: No meeting this month.

Raffle Drawing—Annette Burrow was our winner for 4 tickets to the WFU vs. BC football game on November 26!

  • General Announcements
    • Welcome our newest member, Chandni Saxena!
    • No December Meeting!  Happy Holidays!
    • January meeting will be a Speak-Out, where we will network, share what’s going on in our areas, and share thoughts and ideas.
    • Cobblestone Farmers Market in Old Salem; November 5th through November 19th; Old Salem Museums and Gardens
    • Fancy Gap – has been listed for sale. Bookings will continue until December 31, 2016.
    • Don’t forget to like us on social media where you will find all kinds of general announcements!

