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Guest Speakers:

Michael Greco, Assistant Director of Client Technologies (, x3455)

Sophia Bredice, Laptop Program Manager (, x3822)

Provided an update on Information System’s new initiatives—WakeWare and Software@WFU.

Sophia Bredice (Laptop Manager)

  • Discussed WakeWare, the new laptop system that provides a place for students and parents to receive support when choosing and purchasing a device. WakeWare strives to provide the most consistent computing experience possible at Wake Forest.
  • The hardware selected by WakeWare is Dell XPS and Apple Mac Book Pro
  • WakeWare is a collaborative program that many campus partners participated in to make it successful
  • There is no longer one device (ThinkPad) on campus—we now have multiple devices, as WFU transitioned to BYOD (bring your own device)
  • Because of this, we now need to support students and the multiple devices they are bringing to campus
    • Provide minimum requirements that students need to follow
      • These requirements are listed under the support tab on the WakeWare website (
    • Students that receive the technology grant (merit, athletic, need based) covers $1205 of the cost of the WakeWare devices
    • Current focus is on communicating the program to the student body. They are trying to drive the numbers up each year.
    • This is not a static program and will continue to grow and evolve with technology
    • Faculty and staff can purchase computers from WakeWare at the discounted rate (for personal use)
    • Staff ThinkPads will continue to be supported through your normal replacement cycle

Michael Greco (Client Technologies)

  • Discussed former issues with software distribution
    • Originally, all software was added to a user’s computer—whether they needed it or not, causing storage issues
    • There were a lot of versions of software across campus
    • Never knew how much software was actually downloaded under the WFU license, causing issues with the vendors
    • It was difficult to add software to student’s laptops, and sometimes it didn’t happen
  • With the different devices coming onto campus through the BYOD campaign, IS created a software website
  • The website:
    • Michael did a demo on how to use the website
  • Software is hosted in the cloud on a Google drive, giving the user immediate access to their software needs
  • They’ve also adjusted times that licenses expired so that it wasn’t happening as students arrive and classes began
    • Licenses are only changed/updated twice a year
  • Software@WFU is accessible for all students and faculty
  • Looking to expand software offerings as technology and needs advance
  • All Adobe products are available for staff—please visit the website and download at your convenience
  • Standing Committee Report-outs:
    • Communications: Met in August and established roles/responsibilities. The newsletter is out and social media communication will continue to be a focus. SAC now has a Facebook page! Like us at
    • Events: Meeting briefly after today’s meeting
    • Fringe Benefits: N/A
    • Membership: N/A
    • Pro Humanitate: The committee met and discussed ideas for the fall/winter. Ideas—gleaning project through the Sustainability Office (pick potatoes out of a field that machines missed). Also looking to partner with Title 1 Schools to establish their needs and start taking donations.
  • Outside Committee Report-outs:
    • Capital Planning: N/A
    • Faculty Senate: N/A
    • Parking & Transportation: N/A
    • Tree Advisory: They are meeting next week.
    • DIPC: Group met, but Jennifer was unable to attend.
    • Finance Advisory: N/A

Raffle Drawing Winner: Richard King—4 football tickets to the Virginia game on November, 5

  • General Announcements:
    • Upcoming Meeting: October 13th (ZSR Library Auditorium) – Mary Gerardy, Associate Vice President, Campus Life to present on the History of Student Activism at Wake Forest University
    • Each Committee Chair will present on FY17 goals for the year at our October meeting
    • Joseph Cassidy, Executive Director of Campus Fitness and Recreation, invites everyone to attend an open forum on September 27th at 12 noon in Pugh Auditorium.  Lead architects from RDG Planning and Design PC and partners in Facilities and Campus Services will share blueprints and architectural renderings of the Reynolds Gym transformation, as well as operation plans once the building reopens. The forum will be followed by a Q&A period.   Through this forum, members of the campus community will hear from colleagues who have been involved with the project since the initial planning back in 2009, as well as all the offerings of the new facility including the pool, fitness center, fitness studios, gyms, locker rooms, and lounge space.
