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The SAC kicked off it’s meeting by welcoming all of it’s newly-elected and re-elected members, and saying ‘farewell for now’ to its outgoing members. A new by-law was proposed and approved as was a new standing committee, which is called the Pro Humanitate Committee. Additionally, the executive board presented new members with information relating to the SAC as a part of the new member orientation.

New & Re-elected Members: Landon Burrow (FACS: Maintenance Team 4), James Coffey (FACS: Custodial Services), Lou Gusbar (School of Business- Student Academic Services), Lauren Largen (Graylyn: Ads & Promotions), Sherry Long (Athletics: Student Athletes Services), Ellie Shannon (Athletics: Administration), Shelley Sizemore (Campus Life), Darlene Starnes (Multicultural Affairs), Barbara Stephens-Macri (Human Resources), Amanda Tingle (Dean of Wake Forest College), Amalia Wagner (Office of the Provost), Sandra Whicker (Admissions: Undergraduate), and Sarah Wojcik-Gross (Information Systems). Artanzia Yates (Information Systems), and Scott Spernoga (Athletics: Sports Medicine).

Outgoing Members: Christia Fisher (Athletics: Student Athletes Services), Sheila Lockhart (Religion), Kevin Cox (Advancement: Comm & External Relations), Bill Kane (Digital Publishing), Ted Johnson (University Police), Jeff Gaither (FACS: Maintenance & Utilities Oper), Angie Hobbs (Law: Professional Ctr Library), Doug Patterson (Graylyn: Conference Services), Kelly Segovia (Human Resources), Catherine Sheff (President’s Home), and Paul Sheff (FACS: Landscaping Services).

By-Law: The following by-law change was proposed & approved.

4.7 Unexpired Term of Elected Officers

If any elected office becomes vacant, a special election shall be held in order to fill the office.  The newly elected officer or committee chair will begin a new term that will end on June 30 of the next academic year or until their SAC term expires, whichever is less.  If an elected president’s SAC term expires prior to the completion of the two year presidential term, his or her SAC term will be automatically extended to serve until June 30 of the next academic year.

New Committee:There was also a proposal to create a new standing committee, the Pro Humanitate Committee, to support service initiatives on campus and partner with the Pro Humanitate Institute. This proposal was approved with a charter to be determined in the fall.

New Member Orientation: the executive board of the SAC presented the history, obligations, and committee information as a part of the new member orientation. View the presentation here.

Email to new members will go out in late May/ early June to choose the committee you would like to be a part of. Continuing members who would like a change in committee should email Ted Johnson with their preference. Nominations for the new committee chairs, will also be taken through June and a separate ballot will be submitted for this. Chairs are available for the following committees, Communications, Work-Life Balance, and the newly formed committee, Pro Humanitate.

Faculty Senate report out: Last meeting was April 29th. Senate approved new by-laws and elected new officers. Roz Tedford will be the Faculty Senate representative at the SAC. Professor of Law, Wilson Parker will serve as president of the Senate for 2015-16.  The Senate endorsed a report presented by Senator Michele Gillespie that recommends, in part, that the University create two faculty “observer” positions on the University Board of Trustees.  The observers would be ex-officio/non-voting members who would attend full meetings of the trustees.  The report also recommended that faculty representatives on trustee committees have access to all information that is provided to trustees.


Attend, rsvp, and promote the SAC Appreciation Picnic scheduled for June 24th 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Reynolda Village Water Fall Field.

Next meeting is scheduled for September, look for a meeting invitation coming soon.
