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Summary: Lynn Sutton, Vice Provost & Dean of ZSR Library, and Rick Matthews, Director of Academic & Instructional Technology & Professor of Physics spoke about Vision 2020; Employees of the Year were recognized Kevin Cox and Patty Lanier; Karen Frekko led the meeting addressed membership changes and upcoming elections; Committee Report-outs and Outside Committee Report-outs since the October SAC meeting.

Vision 2020

Lynn Sutton and Rick Matthews introduced Vision 2020 to the SAC committee. Vision 2020 is a look into the future of technology at WFU and where we want to be in the year 2020. Recommendations are:

  1. Align our resources
  2. Focus our efforts
  3. Commit to innovative spaces
  4. Join the open access movement
  5. Commit to a robust WFU electronic repository
  6. Commit to the Cloud
  7. Become device agnostic
  8. Be evidence-based
  9. Keep the network strong
  10. Become a learning community
  11. Signal our commitment
  12. Establish financial stability
  13. Go slow to go fast

Membership changes and upcoming elections

Greg Keener will be leaving WFU after 10 years at WFDD radio.

Kim Hampton joins SAC from Reynolda House.

Committee chairs open for election Fringe Benefits and Events.

Committee Report-outs


  • Staff Appreciation Event is being planned for 2015
  • Possible Toy, Coat, and/or Food Drive in December 2014

Fringe Benefits

  • Jennifer Killingsworth is the SAC representative to the Retirement Committee. Possible changes: reduce the number of funds, reduce the number of benefit providers, and a possible employee match


  • Open committee chairs for Fringe Benefits and Events with upcoming elections

Work-Life Balance

  • With fringe benefit committee create a 2 year plan/proposal, for approval, Bring Your Kid to Work Day, April 28, 2016

Faculty Senate

  • Haddock House concerns by those who live on faculty drive, part of the Palmer Complex

Outside Committee Report-out

Tree Advisory

  • Trees are being cut down all over campus and will be replaced. Tree safe areas are being established across campus and a bus stop/shelter near Reynolds Gym

General Announcements

Shorty’s and Bistro 34 Discount: The month of November is Faculty/Staff Appreciation Month at Shorty’s and Bistro 34. There is a 10% discount available!

Faculty/Staff Happy Hour: Thursday November 13th 4:00 pm Reynolda Hall Green Room 

Upcoming Meetings

Special December Meeting: Cancelled

January: John Shenette, AVP Facilities & Campus Services
