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Summary: Bethany Fay in Human Resources made a presentation focused on the 2014-15 fringe benefits program, SAC VP Karen Frekko announced that new by-laws received approval by all who voted,  plans for an SAC table at the upcoming benefits fair were announced, committee reports were presented, and more.

Bethany Fay, Associate Director of Human Resources, made a presentation focused on the University’s fringe benefits.  Highlights:

  • Final details on fringe benefits package for 2014-2015 were not available for announcement at the meeting.
  • The University’s medical insurance plan has been confronted this past year with escalating health care costs, increased use of specialized services, and requirements associated with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • No proposed changes are expected for office and prescription co-pays and co-insurance.
  • HR is reviewing premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket maximum, ER co-pays, mail order prescription and specialty drug delivery providers.
  • The Healthy Outcomes program will continue.
  • For the dental plan, no proposed changes are expected to the plan’s design or benefits; HR is reviewing premiums.
  • No changes are expected for other plans, such as vision, life and disability, retirement, legal and more.
  • Annual enrollment for benefits will be held April 14-25.  An online benefits enrollment form will be offered. The 2014-15 benefits information will be sent out on April 14.
  • The new benefits period begins July 1.
  • The annual benefits fair will be held April 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Benson University Center, Room 401.
  • She summarized changes made in the past year to tuition concession benefits for dependents.
  • Fay summarized recent changes to PTO specifically in regard to pay outs in the case of voluntary resignations, terminations with cause, retirements and position eliminations or reductions-in-force.

More about the meeting:

  • The SAC will have a table staffed by SAC members at the benefits fair, through out the entire day.  SAC volunteers will be available to promote the SAC and answer questions from staff attending the fair.
  • SAC Vice President Karen Frekko announced that all votes cast by SAC members were in support of proposed by-law changes.  The changes primarily focused on renaming the Election Committee as Membership Committee; shifting some responsibilities between committees; and specifying roles for standing committees.
  • Randy Rogan, Associate Dean of the College for Academic Planning and Summer School, made a brief presentation on the upcoming summer sessions.   Rogan mentioned that for the first time, summer classes will be offered at the University’s Charlotte campus.  Six will be offered there in June.    Details on the 2014 summer session are available at

Standing Committee Reports

  • Communications: Kevin Cox, as well as others present, mentioned that the SAC electronic newsletter is starting to catch on, with approximately 200 staff signed on to receive it. Most are opening the newsletter.  Cox encouraged all at the meeting to continue encouraging staff to sign on by visiting and follow the simple directions to register.  Cox mentioned that multiple means are being used to alert staff to the easy steps required to register.
  • Events: Greg Keener encouraged all to save the date for June 12 when the SAC will host its staff appreciation event at Reynolda House outdoors.  The event is set for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Fringe Benefits: Shannon Badgett recommended that all staff find time on April 22 to visit the annual benefits fair and learn more about what is available to them through the University.  Badgett also mentioned the SAC was grateful for the opportunity this year to meet with University officials and make recommendations regarding any potential fringe benefits changes.  Badgett participated in those meetings.  She also mentioned that she plans starting in April to highlight a particular under-utilized fringe benefit in the monthly SAC newsletters.
  • Membership Committee: SAC VP Karen Frekko announced that the SAC received 37 unique nominations for the April election, with three declining nomination.  The election runs April 4-18.  If needed, run-offs will be held April 22-29.
  • Professional Development: Angie Jones offered details regarding the SAC table at the benefits fair on April 22.  She has also developed a special SAC pamphlet to be distributed at the fair to all who stop by the table.
  • Work/Life Balance Committee:  Kelly Segovia announced that a Google site has been created that lists contracted discounts for Wake Forest staff and faculty.    Discounts are available for cell phones, car rental and hotels, computers and more.

Outside Committees

  • Capital Projects Committee: Artanzia Yates offered a brief update on possible capital proiects for 2015-16.   These include improvements to Johnson Res Hall, Winston and Wingate halls, Davis Chapel.
  • Faculty Senate: Kevin Cox, SAC representative to the Faculty Senate, reported that Senior VP Hof Milam updated the Senate on the University’s recent consideration of changes to fringe benefits.  Milam said that the benefits budget would not be trimmed as much as originally anticipated.  A benefits reserve budget would be used to address the budget gap.  He added that an audit of all receiving budgets—to determine if all are eligible—is expected to bring some savings.  Cox also reported that sexual harassment policy for faculty and staff continues to be developed by the University.
  • Tree Advisory Committee:  Ted Johnson (UPD) reported that a multi-phase construction project for Athletics near the football practice field will result in the cutting of some trees.  Other highlights: A large tree by Scales Fine Arts Center to be cut but replaced by another; efforts will be made to safeguard some oaks near some Hearn Plaza residence halls; some trees near Parking Lot E will be cut; and trees will be planted at the edge of Water Tower Field near Palmer and Piccolo halls.

The next meeting of the SAC will be held April 22 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Farrell Hall, Broyhill Auditorium.  Emily Neese, Associate Vice President for Strategy and Operations, will present an update on the Strategic Resource Initiative.
