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Summary:  Associate Provost Jennifer Collins and and Samantha Perrotta discuss the new Wellness Initiative, Communication Committee suggests developing a logo or slogan for the SAC, presentation on Wake Alert emergency notification system, Events Committee established, committee reports, etc.

The following is a list of highlights from the October 25 meeting of the Staff Advisory Council (SAC):

–Associate Provost Jennifer Collins and Samantha Perrotta (fellow) introduced the SAC to the University’s new Wellness Initiative and encouraged staff to make suggestions for the initiative by e-mailing   Jennifer and Samantha are visiting various departments and offices on campus to discuss this initiative and are interested in hearing from those groups that would welcome a visit to learn more and offer suggestions directly to them.

The Provost’s Office is leading this initiative, which is intended to benefit students, staff and faculty.  Part of the effort, at this point, involves collecting information on all sorts of “wellness” programming on our campus.  Much is offered, presently, but the overall package is not coordinated, tied together campus-wide in any way, from what their research has discovered so far.  Jennifer and Samantha are approaching wellness as something that has multiple dimensions, including physical, mental, spiritual and more.  Ultimately, this effort also ties into the plans for the new wellness facility to be built through the renovation of Reynolds Gymnasium and its expansion.

–SAC member Karen Frekko spoke on the SAC’s desire to have a logo and a motto or slogan developed to help the SAC as it works toward developing a stronger identity on campus.  Karen chairs the SAC communications committee.  Kevin Cox, who serves on the SAC communications committee, has brought this to CER for consideration.

–Kevin made a presentation on the Wake Alert emergency notification system and emphasized its many alert methods—Wake Alert web site, text messages, cable TV, outdoor alerts (siren and recorded messages), Wake Alert Twitter account, e-mail, voice mail and weather/emergency line.  He encouraged all to visit Wake Alert as well as the new Wake Ready web site (emergency preparedness information) and to sign up to receive text alerts.  Kevin explained that the system will continue to undergo changes as new alert methods are considered and new ways are found to implement it more efficiently.

–The SAC has established a new events committee, on which Kevin will serve.  The group will organize events to benefit staff, starting this year (2012-2013).

Next month, Provost Rogan Kersh will speak at the SAC meeting.   It will be held on November 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. in Benson University Center, Room 401-C.



