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Summary: Speaker: Steve Reinemund, Dean of the Schools of Business, Update on new Time & Attendance System by Gary Willis, Committee Reports, General Announcements.In Attendance: Prentice Armstrong, Doug Bland, Kathy Bunn, Cathy Chinlund, Mary Cranfill, Debbie Deheck, Teresa Earl, Karen Frekko, Jeff Gaither, Tomma Guastaferro, Teresa Hill, Harold Holmes, Corey Jenkins, Ted Johnson, Angie Jones, Marc Jones, Jennifer Killingsworth, Travis Manning, Buz Moser, Sharon Payne, Paul Sheff, Lori Sykes, Frank Thomas, Elide Vargas

Non-committee attendees: Dawn Cadd, Lauren Craig, Carol Cramer, Cathy Dillingham, Sharon Fortner, Sylvia Green, Paul Heinrichs, Laura Jane Kist, Beth Malone, John Montana, Tamara Paquee, Sherry Ratliff, Lillian Britt Shelton, Terri Sparks, Kate Wall, Denise Williard, Beth Ann Williams, Gary Willis


1) Steve Reinemund, Dean of Business:

a. The Schools of Business wants to be a home for all students

b. Artistic renderings of the inside of the new building were displayed, including:

1. Social Space

2. Food Service Facility

3. Information Commons (with technology availability)

4. 400-seat auditorium (underground)

5. Terrace and Gardens which will include a fire pit, outside BBQ hook-ups, etc.

c. New Charlotte Campus:

1. The new facility is located in the old International Trade Center

2. Will house Schools of Business but is available for other University use

d. MA Program with Athletic Emphasis:

1. 40 schools were represented by the athletes

2. Enrollment is up 50% for next year

3. The highest GMAT scores were reported by athletes

e. The Schools of Business is in the top 10% of placing students in jobs across all programs.

1. 92% of the MBA students

2. mid-90% for undergraduate students

3. The students are followed and guided until everyone has a job

2) Gary Willis, Human Resources:

a. New Time & Attendance System is being implemented across campus

1. Novatime is the new contracted vendor which will allow for one platform to be used across the entire University.

2. However, the implementation will be staggered. Those on time clocks will be first, then WIN users.

3. Another plus is that exempt staff can now monitor their PTO status.

b. As of May 1st, there will be no more paper pay statements. These can be found on WF@work through WIN (For those who cannot operate a computer or have no access to a computer, there will be kiosks across the campus. Payroll will be available to assist if needed.)

c. Effective in April, electronic personnel forms will be available on-line also through WF@work.

This is an option for people who want to be able to do more than just view their information. This will also help with the sustainability goal of the campus by having less paper used to submit information and requests. In addition, the data integrity will improve.

3) Karen Frekko, Chair of SACS Communications Committee

a. Google Docs:

A collection of Google documents regarding the Staff Advisory Council is available. In addition, questions that staff want to submit to Human Resources as a result of the February meeting may be submitted via Google docs.

Committee Report-outs:


· Nominations closed Tuesday, March 27th at 5 p.m.

· Voting will open around the week of April 16th

· A change to this year’s ballot is that the Elections Committee has asked nominees to submit a sentence or two about why they want to serve on the Staff Advisory Council

· The Elections Committee has also discussed hosting a ½-day training session for the new members to acclimate them to the SAC

Communications (Karen Frekko, Chair):

· Questions for a survey to be distributed to all staff members is being coordinated across all standing committees

· The SAC website will be the host website for a ticket lottery for a faculty/staff appreciation event

· Inside WFU topic issues to be tabled until next year

Professional Development (Buz Moser, Chair):

· They have established target areas for questions to be included on the staff survey

Outside Committees:

Faculty Senate (Debbie Deheck, Member):

· Debbie attended the March 7, 2012 session of the faculty senate

· The meeting opened with the election of the new Vice-President, Dr. Dan Bourland, Professor in Radiation-Oncology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine

· The focus of the meeting was the discussion of the Medical School compensation plan

Campus Tree Advisory Committee (Prentice Armstrong, Member):

· WFU has been designated as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. In order to achieve this designation, the campus must meet/have the following five standards:

1. Campus Tree Advisory Committee

2. Campus Tree Plan must exist

3. Campus Tree Program with dedicated annual expenditures

4. Arbor Day Observance

5. Service Learning Project

Jim Alty and Caitlin Brooks have announced plans for the 2nd Annual Arbor Day Celebration to be held on the campus on April 20th

· Several tree projects have been completed:

1. Reynolds Gym: large trees were removed from the front entrance to reveal architectural features of the building

2. Olin Hall: Foundation plantings were added to make more “people space”

3. Reynolda Gardens: Underbrush was cleared around Lake Katherine and the Boathouse

· Several tree projects are planned:

1. Weeping cherry trees will be removed from the following locations due to the stress which possibly results from the draught

Parking Lot P near Wingate Hall

Parking Lot B between Davis and Taylor Dorms

Babcock/John Courtyard

Inside Polo Entrance Gate

· Campus Core Landscaping Study was conducted:

1. Miller Landscaping was hired to do a Campus Landscape Assessment Study. Several buildings were identified as being candidates for landscaping removal or replacement, etc.

· North Residential Complex tree protection plan:

1. Buildings and drives were moved to preserve some of the oaks on site for the new residence halls and food service building planned for north campus

Parking (Sharon Payne, Member):

· Sharon updated the SAC on the status of parking sticker sales

1. There are 40 spots remaining in the Winston-Salem First lot

2. Ridership on the shuttle from apartment complexes has increased

General Announcements:

· April meeting:

The SAC had discussed the possibility of having an open forum for staff to ask questions/make suggestions. However, upon discussing the concerns about attendance at the SAC meetings by non-members, it was decided to have a guest speaker. Mary will be contacting someone to discuss the changes being considered in technology for the campus.

· Faculty and Staff Appreciation Event:

1. A Faculty/Staff appreciation event is being planned for Saturday, May 5th at 7:00 pm at a Winston-Salem Dash ballgame.

2. A registration for lottery will be available April 9-17
