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Summary: Multiple speakers from HR outline “What’s New in HR”; Toby Hale, Associate Dean for Special Academic Projects; Jim Alty, Associate Vice President, Facilities and Campus Services & Alex Crist, Director, Parking and Transportation; Election Update;SAC Staff Survey; Standing Committee Reports; Outside Committee Reports

In Attendance:  Prentice Armstrong, Travis Asbury, Doug Bland, Kathy Bunn, Carmen Canales, Cathy Chinlund, Mary Cranfill, Debbie Deheck, Teresa Earl, Karen Frekko, Jeff Gaither, Tomma Guastaferro, Teresa Hill, Harold Holmes, Corey Jenkins, Ted Johnson, Angie Jones, Marc Jones, Jennifer Killingsworth, Travis Manning, Buz Moser, Sharon Payne, Paul Sheff, Lori Sykes, Frank Thomas, Donna Thornton, Elide Vargas

Non-committee attendees:  Tania Acuna, Jim Alty, John Champlin, Carol Cramer, Alex Crist, Lori Crouse, Angela Culler, Andrea Ellis, Sharon Fortner, Lisa Harris, Kristen Morgan, Dana Muto, Tara Ogletree, Stephanie Reitz


1)   Human Resources (multiple speakers):

Various speakers from Human Resources spoke about What’s New in HR?  They discussed:

a.   Compensation:  Gary Willis and Kristen Honeycutt discussed the anticipated use of Marketpay, a better analytic for merit/salary increases);  the plan to evaluate all position descriptions for staff members; the new WF@Work on WIN; Human Resource’s new website, including upcoming web forms that will be available; anticipated adoption of a new on-line performance management system

b.   Benefits:  Beth Fay discussed upcoming Open Enrollment for benefits which will be held April 2 – 20.  The Benefits Fair will occur on April 3rd from 10 am to 3 pm.  Increases in premiums, deductible, and out-of-pocket expenses for medical coverage; increases in premiums for dental coverage; reduction in maximum limit for flex spending accounts; and the option of two legal plans to be available beginning July 1, 2012.

c.   Talent Acquisition and Career Planning:  Tara Brown discussed many ways her group is assisting departments with their faculty and staff hiring needs.

d.   Employee Relations and Compliance:  Angela Culler discussed her role in providing employee relations assistance and strategic partnering with department.  She also discussed the Title IX presentation and quiz that was send to all faculty, staff, and students.

e.   Professional Development Center:  Andrea Ellis discussed her group’s goal of enhancing individual, group, and organizational potential through the PDC.

What’s New in HR Summary Sheet

2)   Toby Hale, Associate Dean for Special Academic Projects:

Dean Hale discussed the opportunity for children of faculty and staff (with enough years of service to the University) to attend summer school at Wake Forest with no tuition cost.  This includes students who wish to attend Wake Forest summer abroad programs.  They would be responsible for any additional expenses.  If a child is currently enrolled at another institution, he/she may simply apply for summer school as a visiting student.  The application is a 2-part process.  For questions, individuals may contact Nancy Respess, Assistant to the Dean Hale (ext. 5664).

3)   Jim Alty, Associate Vice President, Facilities and Campus Services

Alex Crist, Director, Parking and Transportation

They discussed the north residential complex project and parking.  Lot R-2 and 250 parking places in Lot Q will be closed.  Students are being offered incentives to park at either Winston-Salem First or the University Corporate Center (UCC) lot.  If there are no enough students willing to participate in this option, the same offer will be made to faculty and staff.  Increased shuttle service and security will be provided as well as additional patrols by Campus Security and video surveillance.  Another option for faculty and staff is to participate in the University’s car/van pool program.  Additional information about this opportunity can be found at:

Committee Report-outs:


  • Ballots will be electronic.  Computers will be made available to any employee who does not have access, including additional laptops to be provided to Facilities & Campus Services employees.
  • Nominations are due March 20th.
  • Ballots will be distributed April 5th and 6th.  Ballots are due April 18 and winners announced on April 30th.
  • The list of SAC members who will be rotating off the committee will be provided.  Specific guidelines for service will be noted.  For example, an individual may serve for two 3-year terms, but then must stay off the SAC for one year before being eligible to serve again.
  • New members will be invited to attend the May meeting where new officers will be elected.


  • Karen Frekko discussed the possibility of conducting a staff survey for the SAC.  Several steps have been made by the Communications Committee members to start the process.  The SAC discussed the time-line for distribution of the survey and decided that this should be prepared before the end of the spring semester but should not occur until after elections have been completed.

Due to time restrictions, additional Committee reports will be available on the SAC website.

Outside Committees:

No reports were presented due to time restrictions.  Additional report-outs will be available on the SAC website if applicable.

General Announcements:

  • Questions to the SAC:  Dana Hutchens sent a series of questions to Mary and a number of other SAC members that had come to her from various staff members.  The questions were assigned the various committees to discuss and present responses to the SAC at a future date.

Upcoming Speakers:

  • March:  Steve Reinemund, Dean, Schools of Business
  • April:  Discussion about what the SAC needs to focus on in the future.  One option discussed was to have an open forum for staff to ask questions/make suggestions.  Food and door prizes are a possibility.  Mary will ask for volunteers to be part of the working group to organize the event.
