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Summary: Speaker: Lt. Colonel Addleman, professor of Military Science, Standing Committee Reports, Outside Committee Reports, Questions from staff, Staff Appreciation Event Planning

In Attendance: Carmen Canales, Mary Cranfill, Debbie Deheck, Teresa Earl, Karen Frekko, Nicolle Gaillard, Tomma Guastaferro, Beth Hoagland, Harold Holmes, Corey Jenkins, Ted Johnson, Marc Jones, Jennifer Killingsworth, Travis Manning, Patrick Morton, Buz Moser, Dee Perry, Sharon Payne, Paul Sheff, Lori Sykes, Frank Thomas

Speaker: Lt. Colonel Addleman, professor of Military Science spoke to the SAC about the ROTC/Military Science program at WFU.  Less than 3% of the US population are veterans.  The ROTC program emphasizes leadership skills and the ability to work for the good of the team, the community and the nation.  9-11 changed the focus, today’s military leaders have to be creative.  There is a great focus on diversity and students are encouraged to take opportunities for foreign travel.  Those leaders adept at dealing with diverse groups will be more successful in today’s military.  They actively recruit students diverse in thought and experience.  The program partners with WSSU and Salem College and they visit other schools, like Radford, to give students a more rounded program in dealing with people.  The goal is to build the best scholar-athlete-leader.

Committee Report-outs:

Work-Life Balance

  • Working with HR to get details on backup child care which will be in place for July 1st—in conjunction with Fringe Benefits committee
  • Asking about discounts or free tuition for staff children for summer camps.  Right now there are some discounts but many camps still priced out of range of staff.  Possibilities to discuss creating a camp for dependents with Student Rec.  Also getting more information on the Jr. Deacon program and how to let staff know of availability.
  • Miller Center fitness classes for faculty & staff?  Right now only one is yoga, could there be more?  What times should they be offered?  How would be best way to notify staff of classes?

Fringe Benefits

  • In backup care discussions with HR
  • Benefits fair is April 3rd


  • Will take the lead on coordination of SAC survey spanning multiple committees to see what items would benefit staff the most for committees to focus on
  • Continue to develop additional communication channels for distributing SAC info.  Two new additions are flyers in F&CS areas and WIN announcements.  Hope to have information posted at least one week in advance.  Will add a few questions to the survey to find out how staff would like to be communicated to about the SAC.
  • Great job communicating SAC event!!

Professional Development

  • Beginning phase 2—survey question development.  Will probably need Internal Review Board review of survey.  Survey will need to have coordination with HR/PDC.  Need to develop coordinated timeline with all committees participating in the survey.
  • Have interviewed a number of people on campus about professional development.  Found there is a Professional Development Advisory Council for the PDC reporting to Andrea Ellis.  Chair of the committee is Giz Womack, and the committee is made of high-end users of training.  Will have a liaison from SAC committee (Angie Jones) to sit on this committee so don’t duplicate efforts.


  • Elections has a tentative timeline and implementation plan for spring SAC elections.  Will refine and present at Feb meeting.

Outside Committees:

Finance Advisory Committee (SAC reps- Mary Cranfill & Beth Hoagland)

  • Hof Milam, Sr VP for Finance & Administration & Brandon Gilliland, AVP for Finance & Controller presented the forecasted state of next year’s finances to the committee.  This is prior to presenting to the Board of Trustees.  Committee is made up of representatives from SAC, Student Government and Faculty Senate.
  • WFU in much better position than many institutions.  However many things affecting available funds for both operational and capital.
  • Lowest point for rolling 3 yr average for endowment distribution due to change in markets in 2008/09.
  • No more incremental revenue growth due to increased enrollment—final year was this year.
  • Need to construct residence halls and dining facility to meet 3 yr residency requirement.
  • Administration committed to maintaining salary standards for Faculty & Staff and to maintaining benefits.  Biggest percentage of operational expense by far is people.
  • All of the above items leaves little remaining funds for anything else.  To help maintain commitment to salaries & benefits, WFU employees need to do their part by finding the best value and reducing wasteful spending.  We also need to evaluate resource-intensive processes for better alternatives since there isn’t extra money to hire new resources.

Parking & Transportation Advisory Committee (SAC rep- Sharon Payne)

  • In preparation for the construction of the 2 new residence halls, the University will lose lot R2 and spaces in parking lot Q (about 350 total).  The first fencing will begin February 27th.  Parking Management is planning a permit return campaign for students with on-campus permits.
  • University Police are conducting a crosswalk Safety Campaign. In addition to the campaign, signs have been installed at each entrance to campus indicating that stopping at crosswalks is state law.
  • Speed tables are being installed on Wake Forest Road, close to parking lots P and A, near Wingate Hall.

Questions from Dana Hutchens:  Dana sent a series of questions to Mary and a number of other SAC members that had come to her from staff.  Questions are listed below.  Due to time constraints it was decided committees would be assigned by next meeting and where an answer could be given quickly it would.  Answers will be sent back to Dana as well both Q&A posted on the SAC website for reference.

1. When Inside WFU was redesigned a year or so ago, it was launched as a proposed portal for staff news–for internal communication. Instead it has become more of a faculty site with very little content for or about staff. Staff milestones are not updated and very little content is ever written about staff. Is there any plan to ensure that this site is a resource and communication piece for staff?

2. What is the status of the employee satisfaction survey that was done several years ago? Why was there not a full disclosure of the results?

3. Why is it taking weeks now to get reimbursements from financial services? Has the move off campus affected processes and thus delaying payment back to staff?

4. If the trustees approve the two new residence halls, parking will be affected yet again and there will be a loss of parking spots. What kind of plan is being considered to alleviate a potential parking nightmare with more lost spots?

5. Is someone on call for IS to offer hours and weekend help/support to faculty/staff who have computer issues?

6. The HR staff has more than doubled in recent years. Are they offering new services and resources to staff? If so, what are they?

7. What University “community building projects” are being considered for the near future?

8. Will HR/PDC consider offering more workshops for staff during the summer months, making it likely that staff who work directly with students can attend rather than in the height of the academic year?

9. Will the new Farrell Hall have a food facility open to staff? If so, what vendors will be included?

10. When is the next election period for the SAC?

11. What have been the SAC goals and projects of the past year? What goals do you have for the spring?

Staff Appreciation Event Planning:  Ad-hoc planning committee members:  Mary Cranfill, Corey Jenkins, Marc Jones, Paul Sheff, Ted Johnson.  Communications:  Karen Frekko.  Additional Event Volunteers:  Tomma Guastaferro, Lori Sykes, Buz Moser

The remainder of the meeting was spent in discussion with Deb Alty, Event Manager for Provost’s Office and Amalia Wagner, Administrative Assistant, Provost’s Office about what the plans were for the staff basketball game & tailgate for Feb 11th.  All tickets were gone in an hour and over 70 employees on the waitlist within 20 min after that, so the decision was made to shut down the registration site.  Lessons learned for next year to open site later in the day to give more staff the opportunity to register.  Details concerning ticket  & t-shirt distribution, food, volunteers, etc. were discussed.

Special Thanks to Deb Alty and Amalia Wagner for their hard work in coordinating this Staff Appreciation Event!!
