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Summary: Guest Speaker from Admissions – Martha Allman, Buz Moser & University Stores surveys, United Way, Committees, By-Law Changes, Staff Appreciation Committee, Capital Planning Committee

In attendance: Doug Bland, Kathy Bunn, Cathy Chinlund, Carol Cramer, Mary Cranfill, Debbie Deheck, Teresa Earl, Karen Frekko, Jeff Gaither, Nicole Galliard, Tomma Guastaferro, Harold Holmes, Corey Jenkins, Ted Johnson, Marc Jones, Travis Manning, Angela Mazaris, Patrick Morton, Buz Moser, Sharon Payne, Dee Perry, Lori Sykes, Frank Thomas, Donna Thornton, Elide Vargas

Admissions: Martha Allman, guest speaker: Martha spoke about positive changes in admissions

  • Admissions affects all of us and admissions works as a team to get students to Wake Forest
  • The market and strategy of admissions has changed and therefore the admissions landscape has changed
  • Wake Forest was the first top 30 school to do away with the SAT- Instead 75% of this years applicants were interviewed – SKYPE
  • 17,000 students visited WFU this year and applications were up 25%
  • This year we have 1240 freshman and students come from many regions of the US – Northeast visits are up
  • New Byrum Center is great for admissions- Is the WFU front porch

Introduction of Buz Moser:

  • Talked about making the University Stores and bookstore more retail forward.
  • They have surveys to talk about changing support to students, faculty, and staff so please participate in those areas.
  • Also, Hit the Bricks will be held on October 6th and students, faculty, and staff are all encouraged to participate.
  • For more information visit the Hit the Bricks website.

United Way: The United Way campaign kickoff will be in October and is one of two that the campus supports along with the Arts Council to promote Motto: “Pro Humanitate” (for humanity).

Business Processes Committee:  Tabled

Committee Chairs: Each chair will have 5 min. to discuss what they have done.

By-law Changes: Currently working on the language of the by-laws. By- law language will be confirmed by next meeting.

  • Reynolda House Museum of American Art and The Charlotte Campus – should employees be permitted to vote in SAC elections?
    • This should be a discussion with Carmen Canales, Chief Human Resources Officer

Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Nominations open until next Monday. Two members, Karen Frekko and Donna Thornton, will help.

Artisan Fair: Discussion as to whether the SAC wants to take on the Artisan Fair.

  • The SAC would endorse and help to get volunteers, but not take ownership of the fair.
  • Help can also be given through our web site with online forms

Capital Planning Committee- Doug Bland will serve.

Notes/Ideas for topics:

  • A presentation from Carmen to see where the HR department will be going in the future?
  • A presentation from Harold Pace – new registrar?
  • Update on master plan
  • Open floor discussion- suggestion box – instead of paper form (comment card-box)
  • A faculty football game day (free tickets) was advertised in an email that also went out to staff – staff is not invited to the event.
    • This should be discussed with Hof and Carmen
  • Vanderbilt game – will there be a special price? $20.00 per ticket

