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Summary: Guest Speaker:  Hof Milam (new Associate VP for Administration and Finance), Ad Hoc Communication Committe, Faculty Senate Report, Election Committee Report, Changes for VP/President role next year, future guest speakers.

In attendance: Mary Cranfill, Patrick Morton, Dee Perry, Cathy Chinlund, Nicolle Gaillard, Candi Lofano, Ann Gordon, Elide Vargas, Jean Trowbridge, Ann Flynn, Karen Frekko, Bob Hebert, Prentice Armstrong, Melvin Lee, Sharon Payne, Debbie Deheck, Paul Sheff, Angela Culler, Tomma Guastaferro, Beth Hoagland, and Randy Cockerham

Guest speakers, Hof Milam, new Associate VP for Administration and Finance: Hof introduced himself to SAC members and a large audience of staff from a wide cross section of campus.  His introduction consisted of the following:

  • Personal background and path to current position at Wake
  • Concern in learning that in general staff
    • do not feel they have a voice or can openly express displeasure with administration without fear of retribution.
    • feel that there is poor communication from administration
    • feel that there is poor application of technology
    • feel that there is much duplication of efforts
    • feel that a “human touch” is missing
    • feel that the university has become more of a “silo” over the years.
    • Hof encouraged staff to be open with feelings, giving feedback

Question and Answer Segment followed:

  • What is the most surprising thing you see on your return to Wake?
    • Struggle with communication
    • Technology challenges
    • Best way to deal with the above is for peers to work together in bringing these concerns to the attention of administration and working to solve issues
    • What qualities of Hof’s undergraduate experience does he see missing now?
      • Social life “on” campus—glad to see efforts being made to bring student life back to the campus.
      • What are the major financial issues and challenges?
        • Increased enrollment is bringing in increased revenue.  Although this brings with it challenges in space, teaching staff, etc.,  it’s being put to good use i.e., new rec center, business school.
        • Increased enrollment is making it more difficult for students to enroll in the classes they need.  How can this be handled?
          • The new business school will free up classroom space in Kirby.
          • The new class schedule will help alleviate some of these difficulties, as well as providing help with the dining issues.
          • ARA will be conducting a study on how best to improve dining for faculty, students, and staff.
          • Are there plans to increase staff along with increased enrollment?
            • We need to be attentive to this need
            • Look into existing over-staffing and the possibility moving staff from one area to another.
            • Be creative
            • What do you see as the best way to handle technology issues and duplicative efforts?
              • Create group(s) with the authority to rally the troops.
              • Best results are seen when talking with people close to the problem—think creatively.
              • Are there any plans for removing the silos seen in the financial areas?
                • Best way to break down silos is for both sides to work together.
                • Also depends on the tone at the top
                • What is the plan for staff salary raises?
                  • Planning on a 2% pool based on merit
                  • Will address those positions that are not at market salary
                  • What should we expect in terms of insurance changes?
                    • Looking at the national trend increases are around 9% (2 ½% is added by the new Health Reform)
                    • WFU can expect something between a 5-8% increase.  Am amazed that WFU has stayed level for as long as we have.
                    • Pleased to see that overall WFU utilization of insurance compared to other places is relatively low.
                    • Will there more preventive medical opportunities available (re: our Health & Exercise Science Programs)?
                      • The medical school will be working with us on this, but this might also raise costs.
SAC Business:  Committee Reports:

Ad hoc Advisory Committee

  • Mary, Cathy, Karen and Sharon met with Pamela, Brett and Kerry  to discuss better communication on campus
    • How best to utilize Inside Wake Forest
    • The Communication Office will present new ideas and presentation to SAC in the May meeting.

Suggestions for such input:

  • HR working with Kerry King in announcing newly hired staff—whose new on campus.
  • Highlights when transitions of staff positions occur.

  • Action Items:
    • Communication Office asks that SAC members give them info on what we’d like to see changed that would inspire us to go to the site.
    • Give Patrick Morton ideas on how we want to see the staff site

Faculty Senate Committee – Bob Hebert

  • Reported that there seemed to be confusion as to the joint benefits committee.  Under new leadership Patrick Morton is now a Co-Chair of the benefits committee.  Disconnects often occurs when leadership changes.
    • This will require a change in the Bylaws.
    • Proposed changes to University documents on sexual harassment policies.
      • Currently our documents mirror only what the law requires.  Addition now includes gender identity.
      • Steve Reinemund reported on the new business school, the new Charlotte MBA campus, and the schools increased involvement with the Entrepreneurship (ESE) program.

Election Committee – Tomma Guastaferro

  • The election process is going electronic and will be tested in our small executive committee group before sending electronically to all staff.  Hard copy will be made available for those who do not have computer access.  The six divisions represented are:
    • Administration/Finance
    • Provost
    • Student Life
    • University Advancement
    • Athletics
    • Other
    • Schedule for elections:
      • Elections open on March 9th
      • Elections close on March 25th
      • Ballots open April 4th
      • Ballots close on April 22nd
      • Announcement of new members on May 8th

New SAC Business – Mary Cranfill

  • Mary announced that due to Patrick’s other work requirements and obligations, he will be stepping down as Vice President and will be unable to assume the role of President of SAC next year.
  • Discussion followed regarding Mary continuing on as President for one more year and officially extending the term of President to two years.
    • Mary agreed to serve one more year.  All agreed on Mary’s extension and the change in term for the President.
    • Hof encouraged the decision advising that it will allow for more continuity and allow for issues begun in one year to carry through the next without disconnect.
    • This change will require revision to the Bylaws.
    • Candi Lofano is moving to Florida and will be stepping down from her position in SAC.  She has someone willing to serve in her place for the remainder of her term.
      • It was agreed to approve Jennifer Killingsworth to replace Candi for the remainder of her term on the Staff Advisory Council.
      • Future SAC guest speakers (changes to be confirmed and may change before next meeting):
        • March: Jill Tiefenthaler will replace Ryan Swanson at this meeting due to a scheduling conflict.
        • April: Ryan Swanson, University Architect, to discuss new campus projects for this summer and in general.
        • May: Angela Culler and Brian Gittens will address how salaries are determined and how market analyses play into those decisions.  Staff may send Angela and/or Brian any specific questions they might like answered at this meeting.

The next Staff Advisory Council Meeting (SAC) meeting will be held on Tuesday, March, 29th , 1:30 – 3:00 pm, location to be announced.
