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Summary: Guest Speaker from Human Resources – Beth Faye: Health care Reform and HR Wellness Opportunities, Introduction of Brian Gittens,  Future guest speakers, HR News (Mike Tesh/Angela Culler), Staff Appreciation, Staff Climate Survey.

In attendance:  Mary Cranfill, Jean Trowbridge, Prentice Armstrong, Corey Jenkins, Karen Frekko, Candi Lofano, Brian Gittens, James Rae, Teresa Earl, Randy Cockerham, Kathy Bunn, Cathy Chinlund, Sharon Payne, Dee Perry, Tomma Guastaferro, Elide Vargas,  Paul Sheff,  Angela Culler, Debbie Deheck, Beth Hoagland

Human Resources: Beth Faye, guest speaker, Health care Reform and HR Wellness Opportunities:  Beth spoke to the Health Care Reform providing “all” with health benefits

  • 2011 is the deadline to change our WFU plan
  • Changes will be: dependent coverage up to the age of 26 regardless of whether the dependent is married or working; current coverage is for those up to the age of 19, if not a full-time student.
  • 20% of WFU employees currently have no health plan
  • WFU may look at plans elsewhere to see what we can add to encourage our employees to buy into WFU insurance, removing the pre-existing conditions for enrollment of those under the age of 19.
  • Removal of lifetime limit for all employees.
  • Removal of annual limits on the dollar value of essential benefits defined by law.
  • Removal of co-pay for preventive services
  • Same emergency room coverage for out of area provider.
  • Early retirement program.

More detailed information in how to use the plan can be found at within the HR web site.  A benefits bulletin will be sent to all employees.  The Health Care Reform can be accessed through links on the HR web site.  The information provides timelines and stages for the new health care program.  Wake Forest welcomes creative ideas for the plan.

Beth reminded our SAC group of the Wake Wellness Plans and other no-cost opportunities available on-campus—a few are listed below:

  • Physical – exercise
  • Emotional
  • EAP (help available for addiction, stress, marriage issues, etc.—Lib Edwards will connect employee with outside help.
  • Nutritional
  • Financial
  • Reynolds Gym, pool
  • Numerous exercise classes
  • Miller Center, work-out equipment
  • Peter Brubaker’s healthy lifestyle screening program
  • YMCA discounts
  • Other WFU perks include: 10% and 20% discounts for such vendors at AT&T, Verizon

BCBS on-line plans offered to employees at no cost:

  • Medical management
  • 24 hour nurse resources
  • Blue Points—earn points for exercising, eating well, etc.  Gift cards can be earned with points and are available for use at several local business such as Target, Walmart, etc.
  • Discounts available on other items such as hearing aids, vitamins, weight management programs, etc.
  • An on-line wellness plan to help keep one on track


  • Is Wake looking at any other providers other than BCBS?
    • Will remain with BCBS through 2013
    • Will there be an impact on monthly premiums
      • Possible at a minimum.  Core value will stay the same.  Wake will offer what they can afford to offer.
    • Is a change expected for people at higher risk?
      • This is under consideration
    • Is there consideration for looking at what an employee’s base income level is as to what one can pay for coverage?
      • No, this is not yet under consideration.

Introduction of Brian Gittens: Brian has assumed the position of Director of Compensation in HR.  Brian comes to us from Virginia Tech. Our next SAC newsletter will carry an article on Brian.  Briefly described his duties and responsibilities in this position, which involves the planning and administration of staff compensation, including market analyzes of  WFU salaries as they compare to comparable positions elsewhere.

SAC January meeting:   Possible guest speakers include:

  • Hof Milam—Senior Vice Present/CFO
  • Lib Edwards—Director/Employee Assistance Program

SAC February meeting:  Possible guest speakers include:

  • Bill Davis—Executive Professor/Schools of Business (communication skills)
  • Brian Gittens—Director, Compensation (address market pay strategy philosophy and how employees are paid).
  • Kerry King—Director, News and Pamela Dumas-Serfes—Associate Vice President/Communications

HR News:  Announcement of Angela Culler’s appointment to the position of Interim Assistant Vice President of Human Resources following the resignation of Mike Tesh.  Some initiatives that Angela will be evaluating and reporting to administration include:

  • Career Pathing
  • Health Care Reform and how cost changes will impact WFU
  • Performance Management
  • Outside Consultants to evaluate what HR needs to improve and to identify what they do well.

Staff Appreciation:  The soccer event hosted by SAC in October went well, but not as many SAC and staff attended as was hoped for.  It was suggested that this be considered for a basketball game as well.

Staff Climate Survey:   Continued discussion regarding issues of importance for staff to bring to the attention of the administration.

  • Share physical plans for campus
  • Possibility of appointing a task force from various campus areas to review university processes—addressing such matters as stress, inefficiencies, redundancies,
  • Understaffing—increase in higher administrative positions without adequate increase in support staff positions.
  • Restructuring of jobs in departments seen as unsettling
  • No longer felt that value is seen in internal staff.
  • Staff morale at a low point


  • Is there a guideline for the maximum number of hours an exempt staff employee can work?
    • No, not for exempt employees.  FLSA holds WFU liable if non-exempt employees work hours not reported.
    • How best can Mary bring staff concerns to the attention of President Hatch?
      • Suggested possibility of town hall type meetings, or a breakfast with President Hatch, etc to improve staff trust in administration.
      • Does Brian Gittens have case studies from other universities? 
        • Present administration with a concrete plan including constructive and well designed steps of action necessary to be taken. 
        • Input should come from groups that do the work.
        • Research issues thoroughly before presenting.

Next SAC meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 1:30, location TBA
