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Summary: Guest Speaker Andrea Ellis, Director of Professional & Leadership Development, SAC representation on Faculty Senate, Staff Appreciation event on October 30 – Men’s Soccer game, Athletics needs our help to build fan base, Artisan Fair and other events, Faculty/Staff Transparency Issues, Staff Employee Hotline.

Those in attendance:  Mary Cranfill, Cathy Chinlund, Sharon Payne, Dee Perry, Randy Cockerham, Donna Thornton, Karen Frekko, Tomma Guastaferro, Matt Lamoureux, Elide Vargas,  Paul Sheff,  Prentice Armstrong, Bob Hebert, Angela Culler, Debbie Deheck, Patrick Morton, Ann Flynn, Beth Hoagland

Guest Speaker: Andrea Ellis, Director of Professional & Leadership Development spoke about current HR Professional Development Classes and Opportunities as well as future goals for PDC, as they relate to staff and the University Strategic Plan for staff training.

  • Topics discussed:
    • Staff Climate Survey
    • Communication (HR info to us, and our feedback to HR important).
    • Management development for those currently managers, as well as management training for those who aspire to become managers
    • The Strategic Plan and its focus on professional development for staff and faculty and interdepartmental collaboration and communication.

Goals reached and future goals:

  • 2007-2008 –
    • Implementation in March 2008 of improvement in PD across campus with an emphasis on dreaming big.
    • 2009-2010
      • Comprehensive focus on PD programs, personal programs (those addressing stress, health and wellness, assertiveness training, etc. as well as financial social, civic, and technological training
      • There are currently around 400 users in one day, and over 1,200 members on the list
      • The formation of an Advisory Committee to add more depth to ideas for PD.
      • 2010-2011 –
        • Three new leadership programs launched.
        • Working with 50+ departments with faculty and staff—outcome—each understanding and appreciating what each do.
        • Offered 1107 classes
        • Online registration  system for workshops, classes, credit card payment, collection of data, automatic reminders
        • Individual coaching and team building/development of skills for primary job

Current Goals:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Meditation/emotional balance
  • Lunch and Learn
  • Leadership Management
  • Core Competency- realizing excellence, advancing from one step to the next
  • Exempt Staff—working on developing opportunities for this group
  • Collaboration, retention, community building, interviewing,
  • Continue to develop staff
  • Listen to feedback

Questions/Answer Segment:

  • Q:Thank you for streamlining flu shot sign up.
  • Q:Do people need to start at level one in management training?  A:Only proposed program right now. Probably, no.  Individuals can be assessed for proper level to begin.
  • Q:Is there a possibility of offering summer PDC; frustration regarding summer as the normal down time for staff allowing for  more readily accessible attendance at classes?  A:Not likely, not enough interest to warrant expenditure.
  • Q:Possibility of free classes in other schools (business/law).  This would offset the benefit to staff without children.  College tuition concession benefits only those who have college-age children.  A:These other schools are not part of the College and operate within their own budget, not cost effective.  Benefits are based on the concept of what benefits the most staff/faculty.
  • A:PDC offers bridging the gap to a degree.
  • Q:Is there a possibility of offering certification programs outside of WFU, e.g., housekeeping and grounds employees taking courses that will allow them to move forward in new careers? A: Limited funding makes this option unlikely; this is out of the HR domain.
  • Q:Stress levels across campus—what can be done to alleviate this?  A: Discussion ensued regarding the overall campus increase in heightened stress level under new administration, noting it’s at its highest level.  How can HR help to change the culture of thinking in this area?  Noted the overall sense that supervisor are not concerned with the time it takes staff to complete required work—concerned only that it gets done.
    • Make use of wellness class made available through classes in Stress Management, the Importance of Humor, Nutrition/Vitamins, Exercise, etc. .

Need SAC member to represent us on Senate resource committee:  If no volunteers, Mary will accept this position.  This position will give us representation for budget/resource issues.

Executive Committee: Mary, Tomma, and Dee to meet with Matt Cullinan regarding Hof Milam—waiting to hear from Carolyn Winebarger. 

Last men’s soccer game – October 30, at 7:00 p.m.:  SAC will take on supporting the Staff Appreciation Soccer Games.  Duties involve:

  • Meet and greet people upon their arrival to the game, showcasing and discussing SAC, letting staff know we’re out there.
  • Provide and serve light refreshments (beverage/cake) during halftime.
  • Free raffle.

Athletics – what can be done to increase underdeveloped staff fan base: Possibility of asking that free tickets and free Bridger Club House seating be offered tor staff as it does for faculty.  Matt will pass inquiry on to appropriate person in athletic center.

Artisan Fair and other events:  Matt made a motion to table the decision of SAC taking over the Artisan Fair. 

  • By our next meeting we will need the details of what would be involved in SAC assuming the responsibility of the Artisan Fair, in order that SAC can make a final vote.
  • If SAC assumes responsibility, the fair could not take place until the spring.
  • Discussion about the possibility of vendors assuming responsibility for the fair.

Faculty/Staff Transparency Issue: Discussion and vote on whether posting of staff salaries by name or position for public viewing. 

  • Overall sense that doing so would evoke dissention, conflicts, and morale issues. 
  • Faculty in favor of doing so for faculty positions in order to assure commensurate position salaries.
  • In general, felt that this is private information and involves too many facets: number of years of experience, level of education, responsibilities/duties involved, etc.
  • Vote taken: results were not to pursue staff salary transparency.
  • Salary range and responsibilities already part of HR job postings.
  • Concern was expressed over how salaries are determined and SAC will discuss other means to address that issue.

Staff employee hot line:  Web site created for staff to submit anonymous postings of concerns; Patrick working on getting site live.

Bob Hebert’s report on Faculty Senate meeting:  The meeting involved mostly faculty related issues—what tutors are tutoring their students, and Ron Wellman’s report on academic performance of WFU athletes..

Call for:

  • Remaining SAC membership Bios
  • Newsletter article contributions
  • Attendance at President’s State of the University talk today at 4:00 p.m.

Next SAC meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 30 at 1:30, location Benson 401B.  Guest speaker suggestions:

  • Laurel Banks—Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
  • HR—someone to speak about all changes to benefits and the new health care regulations
