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Nicole Gaillard, Ann Gordon, Ellen Makaravage, Gale Newport, Carolyn Potter, Mary Cranfill, Gary Miller, Angela Culler, Cynthia Hall, Bob Herbert

Alex Crist, manager of parking and transportation.  Helping to migrate parking to new P2park software. Software allows for unified management of all parking items in one place.

Mary – not many changes planned to parking. All faculty and staff required to re-register their vehicle and register each year. This will start in April.  This is for management of parking for retired, terminated, etc. How will reregistration take place (on-line). How does towing work? With only 2 parking enforcement officers enforcement is difficult.  Towing carries financial issues with damage of the4 car. Boot however, is being tested. What about gating of parking? Need to determine which lot to test and a test is going to be set up in the fall. Permission granted for next year to make the campus more pedestrian friendly. Thus to facilitate parking students will have to pay to park in first assembly but will be given free parking art Bridger Fieldhouse and shuttle to campus.

Minutes approved.

Gale – Elections:

Already received some back. There was a small variation between forms printed and needed. Deadline is the 15th of March. Ballots go out March 29 and they are due back April 12th. Announcements go out some time by end of April. Combination of old and members at the May meeting.

Full time members are 1400 hrs per year. What about 3rd shift persons, will they be paid for attending meetings? Yes, but need to negotiate it with their supervisors.

Communications – Pat has full access to the web site now.  Need feedback regarding concrete methods of communication to the campus.

OPEN FORUM – March 23, 24 or 25thth @ 3:00-4:00pm. The SAC meeting will then be held April 8th 2:15. We will invite the nominees to talk about their goals if elected. Appointees will also be gathered at this meeting.  Benson 401

Meet and greet with a short presentation about the SAC. Short official presentation by

Communication will be done by Angela and I will assist.

STAFF RECOGNITION BANQUET – Sac involvement and EoY involvement. Angela will help. Should this be a HR function or should the SAC take over this function?  Should SAC form a committee for this and appoint a SAC member to this group? Invite Doris to the April 8th meeting to talk about the Staff recognition process.


SMOKE FREE CAMPUS – Gary on that committee. Added a smoker to the committee. Looking at peer institutions to see what they have implemented.

MOBILE COMMUNICATION DEVICE COMMITTEE – Looking at overall policy of using and deploying devices. We are NOT IRS compliant per the tax code. This group will develop a university wide policy for cell phone use.
