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Minutes approved:


Gale opens up with review of election documents handed out.

Gale asked if any questions are present from members.

Each division will be color coded and all ballots will go to Gale

Angela recommends adding eligibility requirements to the ballots.

HR agreed to assist in distributing the ballots. Angela agreed. Who is going to pay for the mailing? – Gary will contact Matt for funding for the mailing and duplicating.

Can we list the departments on the ballot rather than linking to a web site for who falls into which division?

I need to post the departments and where they fall onto the web site.

Can we reduce cost by making electronic ballots emphasized rather than the paper ballot? We wil only need to print the nominations not ALL responses.

Electronic ballots can be supplemented by paper ballots in HR and by HR partners.

Who will actually create the electronic form? Do both the nomination and election form needs to be electronic?

Can the nomination form be electronic and the actual ballot be paper?

Each division will need new representation. So thus each division has spots for nominations.

Admin-2, athletics 2, etc……

Appointees are included as well, these are appointed by Hatch.

We need to contact Matt to see if we can do a mass email or paper mailing.

Who will make the page, or should we make it an interactive PDF and linked to via the web page.

The electronic document will then be emailed back to Gale?? Who will tally the names and then send out the nominees.

To make things work out we need to document the nominators name as well as the person being nominated.

After all issues worked out though, we decided that it may be best to do a traditional paper ballot and nomination.

We need to put nominator name and dept. of ballot.

Should we individually address each label? or should we leave it label less for efficacy sake??

Who should these go to? Can part timers nominate (although they cannot be nominated). “Any Staff member can nominate”



Next meeting of SAC an open meeting for all Staff. March 4th 2:00pm in Pugh auditorium. Can we get refreshments from Matt?? We also need a broadcast email. Have open meetings once in fall and once in spring

Start with open business and then switch to closed business as needed.

SAC members go to all hand meetings for those departments that have all hands meeting. Have the rep from that group and a member from the communication group talk about the SAC.

Can we use HR Liaisons to help coordinate these meetings??

We need to make ourselves the defacto group for staff and administration issues.



Faculty Senate Changes:

FB committee is shared by fac/staff

One non-voting staff member

One faculty member on SAC



Need more people to step up and serve.

FB committee – no report

Smoking climate on campus.

One meeting and are looking to other universities for their policies.

Send potential nominees to Doris McLaughlin



For those coming from off campus need us to start at 2:15 to account for travel time.



Make sure all got the email.

Department reports are going out in the next few weeks. Dept heads have not seen them.

HR will work with departments to have feedback sessions to deliver feedback to HR.

Communication and Career Pathing/Performance Management will be major points to talk about.



A policy does exist. Call supervisor and you and that person can work out details.

Policy is on HR website.

At what point does the call go out to delay/cancel class/work.

There is a weather line as well.
