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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Mary Cranfill, Ann Flynn, Nicolle Gaillard, Ann Gordon, Julie Griffin, Cynthia Hall, Bob Hebert, Ellen Makaravage, Patrick Morton, Carolyn Potts, Jim Rae, Mike Tesh, Jean Trowbridge

Members Absent: Randy Cockerham, Gale Newport

Guests: Carolyn Winebarger [recorder]


The importance of recycling and environmental stewardship was discussed, and it was noted that Facilities Management is in the process of selecting a Sustainability Director to spearhead this effort. Employees are encouraged to use existing recycling bins and may contact Facilities Management regarding special recycling issues or the need for additional bins in particular areas. The Information Systems Help Desk can provide instructions regarding disposal of electronic equipment, and the Purchasing Department has information regarding the availability of contract services for shredding confidential documents.

21st Century Workplace Initiative

Mary Cranfill and Jim Rae will serve as staff representatives for a committee established to oversee the administration of a campus climate survey. The survey, which will be conducted in spring 2009, is intended to gather input from the University community which will not only assist in retaining and attracting a world-class faculty and staff, but will guide the administration in initiating 21st century workplace best practices. President Hatch will be sending a communication encouraging all faculty and staff to provide input via the survey, and plans are underway to ensure access to the survey for all employees, including those without computer access.

Compensation Studies

Mike Tesh provided a status report on compensation reviews and the University’s ongoing efforts to evaluate pay ranges for both exempt and non-exempt staff. He stressed the importance of participation in the performance appraisal process and each employee ensuring that his/her job description is accurate and up to date.

Human Resources Update

The Professional Development Center continues to refine and expand its offerings, and staff members are encouraged to take advantage of opportunities for professional and personal growth.

As previously requested by the Staff Advisory Council, Human Resources is currently researching the possibility of establishing a PTO bank. This would facilitate the use of donated leave hours by employees in need due to extraordinary circumstances.

The 2009 holiday calendar has been distributed and is posted on the HR web site.

Work is in progress for next year’s Benefits Fair, and the focus will be on wellness.

Gary Alwine is serving as co-chair of the Senate Fringe Benefits Committee, and Human Resources staff members are working closely with this group to evaluate employee benefits. It was noted that the University-sponsored child care issue is still under review; however, current economic challenges may delay any decision at this time. Mike Tesh reminded the group that the HR Benefits Office is always available to assist employees with research into child care options or other family-related issues.

The Reynolda Campus holiday open house is scheduled for December 11, and invitations will be forthcoming.

Other Business

The group agreed to invite Dr. Derrick Boone, University Senate President, to the next SAC meeting for discussion of SAC/University Senate-related issues.

There was discussion regarding University smoking guidelines, particularly at building entrances, and the question was raised regarding the possibility of a smoke-free campus. Mike Tesh agreed to research this issue and report back to the group.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:25 p.m.
