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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Randy Cockerham, Maureen Eggert, Nicolle Gaillard, Kelvin Green, Julie Griffin, Julie Groves, Cynthia Hall, Dana Hutchens, Sherry Long, Gale Newport, Chris McLaughlin, Carolyn Potts, Gloria Stickney, Mike Tesh

Members Absent: Ellen Makaravage

Guests: Sandra Boyette, Joey Crosslin, Mike Fox, Cherin Poovey, Jill Tiefenthaler, Carolyn Winebarger [recorder]

Visual Identity Presentation

For more than a year, a committee of faculty, staff, and students from both the Reynolda and Bowman Gray campuses has been working on a comprehensive new visual identity for the University. This project includes a new logo, which was unveiled at the meeting, as well as specific standards for printed and electronic communications. Creative Services staff members provided information on this endeavor and noted that a campus-wide announcement, training sessions, and on-line guidelines will be forthcoming. With an August 1 target date for the official change over, departments were asked to begin to draw down inventory of existing stationery and business cards until supplies are depleted.

Conversation with Provost Jill Tiefenthaler

Provost Tiefenthaler shared with the group her general impressions, goals, and areas of emphasis since she joined the WFU family last July. She expressed her appreciation to the Staff Advisory Council members for their role in enhancing the University’s communication process.

Human Resources Follow-Up by Mike Tesh

(1) Supervisors have been asked to conduct evaluations of all employees, and members were encouraged to include their service on the Staff Advisory Council as part of their accomplishments.

(2) Human Resources Bulletin #57, “Annual Cut-off and Carry Forward of Paid Time Off for Staff Employees,” has been issued to clarify calendar year payroll ending dates. Leave balances have been adjusted for employees who were adversely affected last year due to confusion on this issue.

(3) The proposed establishment of a PTO bank is still under investigation.

(4) Again this year, four WFU staff members will be selected to serve as escorts to and from Europe for students participating in a grant-funded project for Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows. Application information will be forthcoming from Human Resources.

(5) The summer employment program for WFU dependents will be available again this year. Mike Tesh will investigate the possibility of an earlier start date and flexibility for the Law School.

(6) The annual Benefits Fair, with an increased emphasis on wellness, was well attended and well received.

(7) Forums will be scheduled for staff members to discuss the possibility of University-provided childcare. The University Senate has already conducted similar forums for faculty.

Elections Update

Julie Groves reported that requests for nominations to the Staff Advisory Council have been distributed, with a due date of April 16. Ballots will be prepared and mailed shortly thereafter, and election results will be available by the end of May. There was discussion regarding whether SAC members could serve consecutive terms, and it was agreed that the Elections Committee would meet to clarify this issue and would provide a recommended policy to members. (Note: This communication, which is attached to these minutes, states: “After the completion of a member’s term, he or she must have [at a minimum] a one-year break before being eligible for nomination to the committee again. No member may serve consecutive terms.“)

It was also noted that due to existing University Senate term length policy, Gary Alwine will continue to serve an additional year as a staff representative on the Senate. Dr. Cullinan will work with Senate leadership to reconcile term lengths for staff representatives.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:50 p.m.


SAC Membership Guidelines
April 23, 2008

Makeup of Committee

  • The SAC will be comprised of up to 17 members; six exempt, six non-exempt, and up to five appointed by the President of the University.
  • The Chair of the SAC is appointed by the President of the University.
  • Two members (one exempt and one non-exempt) will be elected from each of the six campus “sectors.”
  • Candidates may be nominated by another staff member, or they may self-nominate.
  • Each member will serve a two-year term.
  • Terms of members will be staggered so that the committee always retains a mix of old and new members.
  • In the event that a member must resign from the committee, the runner up in his or her category and payroll class will serve out the remainder of the term.
  • Terms will end in the spring with the last meeting of the year; new members’ terms will begin in the fall with the first meeting of the year.
  • After the completion of a member’s term, he or she must have (at a minimum) a one-year break before being eligible for nomination to the committee again. No member may serve consecutive terms.
  • The Staff Senate seats will be filled by members of the SAC as they become vacant based on payroll class.

Nomination and Election Process

  • Nominations will be solicited annually, rotating between exempt and non-exempt salary classes.
  • Nominations will be returned to the SAC membership committee, who will use them to compose a formal “ballot.” These ballots will be tailored according to each sector and sent to the staff members in these areas.
  • The ballots will be returned to the SAC membership committee, who will tally the votes and keep a list of runners up in case the need arises to fill a vacated position.
