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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Randy Cockerham, Maureen Eggert, Nicolle Gaillard, Kelvin Green, Julie Griffin, Julie Groves, Cynthia Hall, Dana Hutchens, Ellen Makaravage, Chris McLaughlin, Carolyn Potts, Gloria Stickney, Mike Tesh

Members Absent: Sherry Long, Gale Newport

Guests: Carolyn Winebarger (recorder)

Child Care Report

Mike Tesh provided information on the possibility of providing pre-school day care options for the benefit of WFU faculty and staff. He distributed copies of research and survey data of local four- and five-star day care providers, and outlined projected cost data for a stand-alone facility, as well as guaranteed slots at existing centers. Dr. Cullinan stated that this information had also been provided to the Fringe Benefits Committee and University Senate, and input is being sought from faculty and staff as to their interest and support for the project. SAC members were asked to solicit feedback from the campus community and report findings to Mike Tesh.

Human Resources Follow-Up Report

Shift Differential Pay: Information has been provided to the requester.

Inclement Weather Payroll Procedures: When the university is officially closed due to inclement weather, administrative leave will be granted in accordance with existing Human Resources Policies & Procedures. Mike Tesh will coordinate with the payroll department and managers to ensure their understanding and compliance.

PTO Bank: The establishment of a PTO bank is under consideration whereby employees could donate PTO to other employees who are experiencing critical circumstances and who have exhausted their own leave balances. Proposed policies and procedures were discussed, and Council members requested further investigation into eligibility requirements for the employees who could receive donations.

Bi-Weekly Payroll Periods: Because the last bi-weekly payroll period of 2007 ended on December 28, PTO hours used by non-exempt employees on December 29-31 were charged against 2008 PTO hours. As a result, 97 employees exceeded their carry-forward limit and lost PTO they had intended to use in 2007. As a one-time accommodation, those employees adversely affected will be credited with lost PTO hours. However, communications will be forthcoming from Human Resources reminding managers and employees that the last pay period of the calendar year may not end on December 31, and PTO should be managed accordingly. Any employee who is having difficulty scheduling or managing PTO is urged to contact Human Resources for assistance.

Human Resources Office: Mike Tesh reported on the department’s reorganization into a service center and his office’s efforts to improve customer service. He noted that the office has been reconfigured to provide a more efficient and welcoming atmosphere; human resources partners have been relocated to provide on-site assistance with HR needs; and the Professional Development Center recently announced an expanded range of staff development opportunities. A campus-wide communication regarding personnel assignments and services available will be forthcoming.

Performance Evaluations: Workshops have been offered across campus to provide information on performance evaluation procedures and the importance of providing this feedback on a consistent basis for employees. Supervisors have been encouraged to complete annual performance appraisals by April 30.

WFU Employment Opportunities: Vacancies are posted on the Human Resources web site (

Salary Market Analysis: A salary study for exempt positions is in progress.

At the conclusion of the Human Resources follow-up report, the Staff Advisory Council commended Mike Tesh for his diligence and candor in addressing issues brought to his attention by Council members.

Elections Timetable/University Senate Representation

Dr. Cullinan reported that the Membership Committee will be beginning their work soon, with a goal of completing the nomination and elections process in a May/June time frame.

Other Business

There was discussion regarding campus security measures, and it was noted that entrance doors on Reynolda Hall are being replaced with doors that can be locked in case of emergency.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.
