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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Randy Cockerham, Maureen Eggert, Julie Griffin, Julie Groves, Cynthia Hall, Dana Hutchens, Sherry Long, Ellen Makaravage, Gale Newport, Carolyn Potts, Gloria Stickney, Mike Tesh

Member Absent: Nicolle Gaillard, Kelvin Green, Chris McLaughlin

Guests: Carolyn Winebarger (recorder)

Election Results

The group discussed a nominee’s request for the recent election vote count. It was agreed that it would not be appropriate to release specific data regarding the number of votes cast for each candidate; however, if a nominee requests his/her own vote count, this information will be provided. Gloria Stickney suggested that general statistics regarding number of nominations and votes cast per sector be posted on the SAC web site. Dana Hutchens suggested that, for future elections, all nominees be notified of the results prior to the public announcement.

University Senate Representation

Julie Groves reported that Randy Cockerham will serve as the non-exempt SAC representative on the University Senate. Appreciation was expressed to Gloria Stickney for her previous service in this capacity.

Inclement Weather Policy

There was discussion regarding inclement weather notification procedures and the manner in which time off from work is handled by Payroll when the University is closed due to bad weather. Mike Tesh agreed to review current policies and procedures and report back to the group at a later date.

Other Business

Carolyn Potts reported that she had received an inquiry regarding shift differential pay. Mike Tesh agreed to research the matter and will provide follow-up information.

Campus Master Plan

Representatives of Ayers/Saint/Gross, campus master plan consultants, provided information regarding the University’s development of a comprehensive long-term plan for the campus. Input was solicited from the members of the Council, and all were urged to review information on the Campus Master Plan web site ( and to submit comments.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
