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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Maureen Eggert, Kelvin Green, Julie Groves, Dana Hutchens, Sherry Long, Chris McLaughlin, Gloria Stickney, Dianne Weavil

Member Absent: Donna Gung

Guests: Mike Tesh, Carolyn Winebarger (recorder)

The Council welcomed Mike Tesh, the new Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, and he shared with the group his vision for serving the University community.

Dr. Cullinan presented an overview of the proposed healthcare plan to be effective July 1, 2007.

Julie Groves reported that the Membership Committee is in the process of finalizing membership guidelines and recommendations for the Council’s consideration. She noted that this report will include a recommendation for selecting the Council’s representatives to the University Senate, a process which must be completed prior to the August Senate meeting.

Gloria Stickney reported that she had recently been asked to attend a meeting of library staff to update them on SAC activities and staff-related issues. She suggested that a future meeting include a discussion of ways of expanding and improving the Council’s communications with staff on a university-wide basis.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
