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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan [chair], Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Maureen Eggert, Kelvin Green, Julie Groves, Donna Gung, Dana Hutchens, Sherry Long, Chris McLaughlin, Gloria Stickney, Dianne Weavil

Guests: Brenda Balzer, Carolyn Winebarger (recorder)

Human Resources Assessment
Council members discussed their participation as a focus group in the ongoing HR assessment process, which is being conducted to ensure the alignment of HR services with the needs of the University. Members were reminded of the December 8 session at which a summary of the data collected from the focus groups and administrative interviews will be reviewed with all participants in this initial phase of the process.

Staff Advisory Council Membership
The establishment of a sub-committee to recommend membership guidelines and policies was discussed. Areas to be addressed by this sub-committee would include: number of members; term of service; identification process of prospective members, including nomination vs. selection vs. appointment, consideration of ex-officio members, representation that captures the distribution of staff as it relates to reporting units and exempt/non-exempt status; and the Staff Advisory Council’s cross representation with other University councils.

Key Issues
The Council discussed the areas on which they had previously agreed to focus their efforts this year: salaries, health insurance premiums and coverage, paid time off policies, and communication. Dr. Cullinan reviewed the budget and strategic planning processes which will impact these issues and the Council’s participation and representation of staff in these key planning efforts.

Other Business
Ms. Balzer was asked to work with Facilities Management supervisors regarding policies relating to employees who may be asked to change scheduled days off to assist with Orange Bowl preparations.

There was a question as to why the last pay date of the year for exempt employees will be December 29 rather than on the last work day before the holidays, as in previous years. Ms. Balzer explained that because all employees now have direct deposit, it is no longer necessary to adjust the end-of-the year pay date schedule.

The next meeting of the Council will be in February, 2007.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
