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Members Present: Matthew Cullinan, Gary Alwine, Kathy Bunn, Maureen Eggert, Kelvin Green, Julie Groves, Dana Hutchens, Lisa Lee, Sherry Long, Chris McLaughlin, Gloria Stickney, Dianne Weavil

Member Absent: Donna Gung

Guests: Brenda Balzer, Carolyn Winebarger (recorder)

Dr. Cullinan welcomed the members and guests to the organizational meeting at 11:30 a.m. in the Autumn Room, Reynolda Hall. He thanked the members for their willingness to serve.

Guiding Principles
The Council reviewed the responsibilities of the group as outlined in the “Statement of Purpose and Governing Guidelines” established by the President’s office last March. The importance of approaching issues with a fresh, new perspective and the need for open discussion based on trust and respect were emphasized, as well as the need for confidentiality when appropriate. Members were reminded of the Council’s goal to represent the WFU staff as a whole, from a broad campus perspective.

Organizational Issues
The membership list was distributed, and members were asked to review the representation to ensure the Council includes coverage of all major staff constituencies. There was discussion regarding representation for Reynolda Gardens and Graylyn Conference Center staff, and members were asked to e-mail Dr. Cullinan if they thought of any additional areas for consideration.

A sub-committee of the group will be appointed to prepare proposed membership guidelines, including membership composition, method of selection, and term length. A letter will be sent to members’ supervisors thanking them for supporting their staff members’ participation as a SAC member.

Strategic Planning
Dr. Cullinan reviewed the strategic planning process currently underway. He discussed the establishment of staff focus groups by planning consultants and requested that the Staff Advisory Council serve as the initial contact in this regard, with a meeting to be scheduled in early September. There was discussion regarding the importance of ensuring the participation of all employees, including those without daily computer access, in the planning process.

Coming Year – Key Areas
Council members were asked to e-mail to Dr. Cullinan a list of key issues they believe should be addressed in the coming year. He will compile a list for the Council’s consideration and prioritization and will consider the need for cross-representation on other University groups.

The University News Service will prepare a press release announcing the establishment of the Staff Advisory Council, including a list of the members and contact information. There was also discussion regarding the possibility of a campus-wide public launch and the communication process in general, including the use of the Human Resources network, the University web site, and Public Affairs.

The group agreed that a lunch-time meeting seemed to work well. Dr. Cullinan’s office will coordinate meeting dates, with a goal of meeting at least three times per semester and special meetings (i.e., strategic planning focus group) on an as-needed basis. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1 p.m.
